Tuesday, July 26, 2011

What Pre-k whats that????

Today has come way faster than I could have ever imagined. We went to pre-k orientation. All day I have been getting Ayden ready explaining to him that he's a big boy now and that he has to go to school. Some where along the day I forgot to get my self ready. As we where walking in Shawn asked me are you ready? Are you going to be okay with this and I said ya I'm okay. But really I just wanted to curl up in a ball in the corner and cry like a baby. I'm just not ready to let him go :( He's just a little baby that I brought home yesterday. OMG!!!! what am I going to do I have to let him go but so sooooon.  So weather or not I like it hes grown up and Pre-k is in the near future. If the next month could take forever to get here I'm okay with that. Not looking forward to the 1st day of school I can see it now Ayden will be sayn okay mommy you can leave now!!! :( 1st day of Pre-K in a future post.

1 comment:

  1. I am NOT looking forward to this milestone :(

    But...sooo excited for Ayden!!
